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Research Partners

Our Services
Longview Research Partners
Longview Research Partners provides investigative field research around public and private companies. We do this research on behalf of investors who are hoping to gain a deeper understanding of the business in question. The work we do generates key insights into the company’s operating strengths and weaknesses – insights that are otherwise difficult to attain – by speaking with customers, competitors, suppliers and former employees in the field in order to develop a critical understanding of the business and its prospects that is timely and roughly right. The work is a valuable tool for assessing risk and for validating investment opportunities.
Image by Austin Distel
Our approach is based on a secure set of compliance policies and procedures that are designed to discreetly gather insights from knowledgeable and reliable contacts in the field, while staying well clear of regulatory related issues such as material, non-public information and the confidentiality obligations of contacts.

Longview operates on the thesis that the numbers tell only part of the story about a company, and that insights into what might happen in the future are tied up in its intangibles – namely its people, processes and culture. Financial information about a company is available to everyone through its financial statements, earnings reports, SEC filings and other public data; that data says something about a company’s historical performance and the quality of its business, but it says very little about its prospects. Longview is expert at developing contacts familiar with the daily business dynamics unique to that industry and that company, and generating reports that identify key insights into the business.
Our Story


Get to Know Us

As a member of GEICO Co-CEO Lou Simpson's investment team in the 1990s, following an earlier career as a journalist at Fortune Magazine, I developed an original approach to investigative field research on companies. I have delivered insights into companies for more than 25 years. The process works equally well for public and private companies and for domestic and international companies. I founded Longview in 2012 and operate as a sole proprietor.

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